About Us

PhantAuth was designed to simplify testing for applications using OpenID Connect authentication by making use of random generated users.

OpenID Connect Provider

The OpenID Connect Provider of PhantAuth supports the flows listed in the OpenID Connect specifications (Hybrid, Implicit, Authorization Code), as well as the Resource Owner Password grant type, specified in the OAuth 2.0 specifications. PhantAuth as an OpenID Connect Provider can be integrated with a variety of web applications, mobil applications, and backend applications. The integration can be either direct, as in the case of the OpenID Connect Provider, or through an authentication integration service, as in the case of Auth0, Okta or Azure Active Directory B2C. To learn more, please go to chapter Integration.

Random User Generator

The random user generator of PhantAuth can also be used separately, independent of the OpenID Connect Provider. You can generate an optional number of test users. In the knowledge of their user name, the data of the generated users can be regenerated at any time (OpenID Connect sub claim). The generated users have a unique, operational, disposable email address, a profile picture selected from one of the multiple pools of pictures, and the usual profile data. Custom email addresses and profile pictures may also be added. The random user generator of PhantAuth can be fully customized. Additionally, you can link an external generator to the application. For details,please go to chapter Generator.